You need to keep your hardest working employee healthy so that they can be effective getting you leads

Website Management & Maintenance

We offer professional website maintenance & security services for businesses that are serious about their online presence.

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Website Maintenace

Are you putting your website and business at risk by leaving your hosting services up to a cheap providers?

At Get Leads you get the full service for website maintenance and management. Your site will be constantly updated and backed up, and your plugins will be registered and activated with vendors that support your security. These aren’t things that are always automated, and they take time for someone to do and check. If you’re not doing them, then you’re at risk.

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Website Maintenace process

We care that your website is up and working so it can be effective day and night

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  1. A+ Optimised for Speed and Scalable

    Website management is as much about speed as it is about the content that appears o the page. If the page is slow to load, you’ll lose your customer who won’t hang around for your great content.

  2. 24/7 Monitoring & Redundancy

    Our systems can restore your site in less than an hour from a backup if there’s a problem.

  3. Monitor and keep up to date vendor licensing

    All websites in order for them to be technically up to date often use 3rd party licensed plugins that have a yearly fee. We include these with our plans so you don’t need to know what’s what.

  4. Domain managment

    One less thing you don’t need to know about your domain is included in our packages, so you just pay the one fee once a year. Simple!

  5. Firewalls and scans

    We’ll do ongoing scans of your files and database to detect any issues. We block in real-time using one of the world’s most extensive blacklists for the ultimate in web application firewall protection.

  6. Premium Monthly Website Reporting

    We have nothing to hide; our service is open and transparent. We want to see your site and your business succeed and provide you all the data you need around your website every month so you can make decisions.

  7. Australian Based Hosting

    Hosting is a small part of this service but it is important that the hardware and software is Australian based and held in a high-security data centre that constantly updates it’s infrastructure.  We have a support plan that provides us a higher level of support than you would usually get.

  8. Backups on-site and off-site

    It’s funny how many people back up to the same server their website is on. We have multiple copies at multiple locations. You’ll never lose your site with the level of backups and redundancy we offer.

  9. Uptime monitoring

    Do you check your website every 30 minutes and if there’s a problem get to work on fixing it. We do with our 24/7 website testing and probing we’ll keep you online

  • Website Managment &


    Website management you need for peace of mind.

    • Local support
    • 24/7 Monitoring - 30 min interval
    • Website security upates
    • Plugin licensing managment
    • Ongoing yearly plugin stack saving $630   
    • Website reporting
    • On-site and off-site weekly backups
    • Website transaction email monitoring
    • Login activity monitoring
    • Premium Website Application Firewall (WAF)
    • Hosting infrastructure

Feel like you need someone you can trust

We manage high-throughput websites that make over a million dollars per year

Let us help your business be safe online

Our portoflio is diverse but one thing our customers have in common is confidence in our service


What are our Website Maintenace clients saying?

We manage high-throughput websites that make over a million dollars per year
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Jason Greenlees

Jason Greenlees

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Jason Greenlees
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It’s your digital marketing guide Jason Greenlees. How can I help you?